Saturday, January 18th, 2025

Teams may move-in at 8 a.m. Judging at 1:00 p.m. Event will conclude at 3:30 pm.

Gumbo Must:

Team Requirements:


Each team will be issued a 1-quart container at the beginning of the event for judging turn in. That container will be marked with a ticket and there will be a corresponding ticket inside.  All of the judges will sample from the gumbo turned in and will blind judge by number only.

Judging Criteria:

What Will Be Provided:

What To Bring:

Propane stove and fuel, fire extinguisher, cooking pots, serving utensils, ingredients and decorations. Each team is encouraged to bring bowls and spoons for crowd tasting. Please bring rice, crackers, or anything you would like to go with your gumbo.


January 18th, 2025. Teams may move-in at 8 a.m.  Judging at 1:00 p.m., the Event will conclude at 3:30 pm.


Old Country Mart – 919 E US 64, Augusta, AR 72006


Entry Fee:

There is an entry fee of $100 per team. 

Download the entry form or fill it out online below. The form and fee must be done to consider your entry complete.

Registration for the Duck Gumbo Cookoff has closed.

Money raised from the support of generous sponsors and event patrons provides scholarships for early childhood education, both secondary and technical schools for high school students,and initiatives of the Woodruff County Economic Development Commission. 

Prepped for the Sunrise Slam